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You can reach us by phone Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. on +43 2942 28503.
We are also happy to answer your questions by email. Please send this

Hauptplatz 13 & 15
2070 Retz
Phone number
+43 664 92 79 356
E-mail address
social media

directions & location
In the center of the wine town of Retz in the Weinviertel can you visit sgrafit hotel & apartments as it can be easily reached by many routes.
sgrafit hotel &
Hauptplatz 13 & 15
2070 Retz, AUSTRIA

How to reach us with the...
Because the entire Retz main square is a 2-hour short-term parking zone
(8 a.m. - 6 p.m.), you can easily park in Jahnstrasse 3.
Distance about 200 m.

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